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Listed Biography



1932 Born in São Paulo, Brazil

1945 Attended Ardingly College, West Sussex

1951-56 Chelsea School of Art (Biddulph Scholarship for Painting (55 & 56))

1956  Emigrates to Canada with wife and sculptor, Willow Legge

1958 winner Monsanto Chemicals Award for Painting

1959  Works as Art Director for McLean Hunter publishing house

1959 winner Forrester Award for figure painting

1960 returns to England with family to prepare for 1962 one-man show in Toronto - stays in U.K. 

1961-64 Lecturer at Farnham School of Art and takes up printmaking

1965 contracted to Editions Alecto, well know print publishers

1966 -67 produces first book 'The Prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales’ which Alecto is unable to publish and and which
he takes on himself under the imprint of Circle Press

1967-87 establishes a workshop in Guildford with other artists and poets to produce artist edition books, posters and prints

1988 moves to London to work and live and continues publishing. See for full details.

1988 major exhibition at The Gutenberg Museum, Germany

1997 large exhibition at the South Bank Centre in the Lyttelton Theatre and the Poetry Library: 'The Looking Book'

2002 Yale Centre for British Art purchases entire Circle Press collection of work and holds retrospective exhibition.

2013 Comprehensive collection of press' work donated to Cardiff University

2015 Ron launches Ron King Studio on line to celebrate his long years of creating and making art.

For a comprehensive read you might like to read ' The Looking Book' 1997 ISBN 0 901380 717 or Cooking The Books: Ron King and Circle Press 2002 ISBN 0930606965 (catalogue raisonne)